KILZ® DRYWALL <br/>Interior Primer & Sealer
KILZ® DRYWALL Interior Primer & Sealer

Interior Primer & Sealer



Where To Buy

KILZ® Drywall Primer & Sealer seals new uncoated drywall which helps achieve a uniform professional quality finish in less coats. It dries fast (ready to paint over in 1 hour), easy to clean-up and ready to apply with standard applicators. KILZ Drywall Primer prevents new drywall surface from absorbing too much paint. Helps achieve a uniform professional quality finish and evenly seals drywall to prevent flashing, making the topcoat more uniform.

Should be used under low sheen paints only.  Do not topcoat with glossy paint sheens.

Available in Gallon, 2 Gallon, 3.5 Gallon, and 5 Gallon containers

Please check availability before visiting your local retailer

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